Just like in reality, you can't draw bright over dark! Chisel-Tip Pen If you're used to drawing with markers, you'll find this tool perfect for you. Works exactly as you expect-adds color softly, making it more intense the more paint you add. Perfect for sketching-it's thin and medium soft. By default, it's filled with basic brushes/tools you may find useful: Pencil The Brush PaletteĪs the name implies, this panel gives you quick access to chosen brushes. In these panels you'll find everything you need to start drawing/painting. Open them by going to Window > Layer Editor (6) and Window > Color Editor (7). There are also two other panels that you may find useful. You can move and resize them as you see fit. Once you open Sketchbook Pro, you are welcomed by an interface with the basic panels already present. In this tutorial, I will introduce you to the basics of the program in its desktop version. With an interface designed for tablet use (you can work without a keyboard!), great brush engine, beautiful, clean workspace, and many drawing-assisting tools, it's a perfect choice for both beginners and professionals. It wasn't until I gave some other programs a try that I realized how clunky Photoshop is in comparison to many cheaper alternatives designed specifically for digital art. Sure, it's software for photo editing, but it has brushes and colors, so you can easily use it for painting.

TL DR: I need a replacement iPad for drawing my comic.For a long time, I was a big fan of using Photoshop for digital art. Well, more attractive than the Air's that is. Money also becomes a big play, the Mini's price point is very attractive. Not that it should matter) also, while we're at it, does/can the Mini draw at the same resolution of 2's? (768x1024, & higher) So I'm undecided about which size I like better, and I need to know if I would be able to comfortably continue the comic on a Mini. I love the size of my iPad 2, but the size can get in the way at times, which is where the appeal of the Mini comes in. But I am unsure what iPad to get exactly. I don't have any money, however I am trying to get something worked out which may get me enough cash to get a replacement. My comic is something I'm very passionate about and would really really like to continue after my iPad inevitably dies.

Anyway, I draw a comic/graphic novel on my iPad, but due to a nasty drop my iPad 2 is becoming more and more unusable.